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Environmental & Resource Protection
Purpose of the Geologic Hazards Ordinance
  1. To implement the policies of:
    • the National Flood Insurance Program
    • the State of California Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act
    • the Santa Cruz County General Plan
    • the Land Use Plan of the Local Coastal Program
  2. To minimize injury, loss of life, and damage to public and private property caused by the natural physical hazards of earthquakes, floods landslide and coastal processes.
  3. To set forth standards for development and building activities that will reduce public costs by preventing inappropriate land uses and development where natural dynamic process present a potential threat to the public health, safety, welfare, and property.
  4. To assure that potential buyers are notified of property located in an area of special flood hazard, and to assure that those who occupy areas of special flood hazard assume responsibility for their actions.