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Environmental & Resource Protection
When an Engineering Geology Report is Required
  • For all proposed land divisions and critical structures and facilities in the areas defined as Earthquake Fault Zones on the state Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act maps,
  • Whenever a significant potential hazard is identified by a geologic hazards assessment (GHA) (Please see the requirements for a GHA).
  • For all new reservoirs to serve major water supplies,
  • Prior to the construction of any critical structure or facility in designated fault zones,
  • Potential Liquefaction Area. A site specific investigation by a Certified Engineering Geologist and/or soil engineer shall be required for all development applications for more than four residential units and for structures greater than one story in areas of high or very high liquefaction potential.
  • When a property has been identified as “Unsafe to Occupy” due to adverse geologic conditions, no discretionary approval or building permit (except approvals and permits that are necessary solely to mitigate the geologic hazard) shall be issued prior to the review and approval of geologic reports and the completion of mitigation measures, as necessary.